Counselling for Refugees

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There are many specific issues and challenges that refugees have to deal with. As Church of Lippe, we work together with two committed diaconal organisations, so that refugees can find such advice close to their home - mostly in their own town. Further institutions complete the offer in Lippe.

The Counselling of the "Flüchtlingshilfe Lippe e.V." includes the following questions:
- the asylum procedure and subsequent applications
- the consolidation of residence
- family reunification
- redistribution
- working permits
- asylum seeker benefit law and social law
- many other topics

The "Jugendmigrationsdienst" (Youth Migration Service), which accompanies people aged 12 to 27 mainly in questions of integration, is located in the department for Diaconia and Ecumenical Relations of the Landeskirchenamt.


Furthermore, it is possible to apply for subsidies for legal advice to support refugees via our legal aid fund. All diaconal counselling organisations are entitled to apply.