Migration counselling for young people - Jugendmigrationsdienst - JMD

Our programme is aimed at young people with a migration biography from the age of 12 to 27 as well as their parents and those involved in the educational process.

english       deutsch


We help:

  • In questions of language support
  • For school and professional orientation
  • In personal problems
  • With the recognition of certificates and educational certificates
  • Placement in suitable support programmes
  • With internships and skills training
  • In dealing with public services and authorities
  • With difficulties in vocational training

We also offer

  • Socio-educational support in the integration courses
  • Group programmes in for respectful interaction and participation
  • Support for organisations in opening up interculturally
  • Workshops and information events

What characterises us

With more than 470 services nationwide, the JMD's are located in close proximity to young people. They are well networked and anchored in local structures. Our employees are recognized for their many years of counselling experience, intercultural competence and linguistic diversity. The youth migration services are part of the JUGEND STÄRKEN initiative, with which the respective Federal Ministry ( Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend ) is working to improve the integration of young people throughout Germany.


Helge Wiebe
Tel. 05231/976-627
Fax 05231/976-690





Angelika Flach-Bossert
Tel. 05231/976-626
Fax 05231/976-690

Consultation hours

  • dienstags von 10 bis 12 Uhr,
  • donnerstags von 15 bis 16 Uhr
  • und nach Vereinbarung